SMG3 Hubspot Blog

Strategic Mobility Group Celebrates Halloween

Written by SMG3 Marketing | Oct 31, 2019 8:52:00 PM

There's a chill in the air and black cats are prowling, today is Halloween! Strategic Mobility Group has been celebrating all month long. Throughout the month of October, spooktacular contests and celebrations have been happening all through the office. The celebrations kicked off with creepy pranks, from Professional Services to Accounting, mischief and madness were running amuck throughout the office.

From there, the office held a decorating contest. Every Friday over the past month, a new team had the opportunity to frighten the office with their elaborate decorations. Each department got together and decked out their work spaces in hopes to win a prize. 

Next, a pumpkin decorating and carving contest was held for everyone to show off their scary or fun designs. The SMG3 employees had the chance to bring in their pumpkin and cast their votes. From scary faces to goofy illustrations, everyone got involved and had a great time. 

In order to get in the Halloween spirit, all of the tricks and treats has lead up to the final bash. A dress-up day was held for every team member to celebrate the holiday. From the spooky to the funny costumes, many team members got creative and had a laugh or scare.

Check out our social media pages to see the antics we were up to this October, and look out for our future holiday shenanigans!